Welcome to our wild
Welcome to Queenstown's nature based, forest school inspired, holistic development programmes. Developed and lead by experienced, qualified teachers with a love and deep understanding for the kaliediscope of benefits of being, playing, & learning outdoors.
Our programmes aimed at kids aged 3 - 12 years, strive to nurture wonder and wellness in children through weekly sessions in our unique ever- changing landscapes, throughout the seasons, and in various weather conditions. The ultimate, hands -on, immersive way to build lasting memories, habits & values.
Our Programmes
We have curated 3 programmes designed to provide the children in the whakatipu opportunities to experience the benefits of nature play and learning through our wonder and wellness driven curriculum. Join us weekly during term time from as early as 3 years old with Wild Kindy, grow with us as move through to our Wild School programme, or take advantage of the school holiday programme to give your child the balance and reset they need between busy school terms. However we fit for your family, we welcome you to come get and stay wild with us.